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This is the WKHS NHS resource page of volunteer opportunities. All of these opportunities have been contributed by members of the National Honor Society. If you are interested in volunteering, but don't know where to start, this is the page for you. Click the buttons to learn more about these volunteer opportunities.

iCan Bike

Help children with disabilities learn how to ride a bike. Click the button to learn more about this Kilbourne sponsored program.

If you see a volunteer opportunity that is not on this page and that you would like to share, please click this button to complete a survey, so that we can continue to update this resource page. Thank you! 

Stowe Mission of Central Ohio

Help the Stowe Mission of Central Ohio. Volunteer opportunities range from serving meals to helping out at the dental clinic. Click the button to learn more.

Columbus Zoo ZooAide

Do you like being at the zoo? Help out by being a Columbus Zoo ZooAide. Click the button to learn more.

Holy Family Soup Kitchen

Stock shelves and serve meals at the Holy Family Soup Kitchen. Click the button to learn more.

Mid-Ohio Food Bank

Make a difference at the Mid-Ohio Food Bank. Volunteer opportunities range from building care packages to labeling. Click the button to learn more.

Operation Gratitude

Show your thanks to the ones who are serving. Make a difference in a soldier or a veteran's life by being a part of Operation Gratitude. Click the button to learn more.

Riverside Methodist Hospital

Help out at the Riverside Methodist Hospital. Volunteer Opportunities range from visiting patients to working the information desk. Click the button to learn more.

Franklin County Dog Shelter

Do you like dogs? Volunteer at the Franklin County Dog Shelter. Click the button to learn more.

Worthington Resource Pantry

Help out at the Worthington Resource Pantry. Volunteer opportunities range from stocking shelves to helping people pick groceries. Click the button to learn more.

Bridgeway Academy

Do you like working with children. Volunteer at the Bridgeway Academy. Click the button to learn more.

Worthington Libraries

Be a volunteen! Volunteer at the Worthington Libraries. Volunteer opportunities range from sorting and shelving books to helping out with the Summer Reading Program. Click the button to learn more.


Wolves for Cubs

Be a positive role model! Hang out one on one once a week with an elementary school student in Worthington. Applications will be available during the beginning of the school year. This program is sponsored by The Activity Club. If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Baumgardener at (614) 561-7938.


6th Grade Camp Counselor

Remember 6th grade camp? Be a camp counselor for the Worthington Elementary Schools' 6th grade camp. Have fun and do activities with the 6th graders. If you are interested, listen to the announcements. Applications will be located in the Counseling Center. 


Counseling Center Office Workers

Need service hours? Help out at the Counseling Center. Activities include delivering passes to students and helping with special projects. This is an easy way to pick up community service hours while also having time to work on homework. If you are interested in being an office worker during a free period, go to the counseling center to get an application.  

Nationwide Children's Hospital

Help out at the Nationwide Children's Hospital. Volunteer opportunities range from playing with children to assisting at the Information Desk. Click the button to learn more.

Chalmers P. Wylie VA Ambulatory Care Center

Show veterans you care. Help out at the Veteran's Hospital. Click the button to learn more.

See Kids Dream

With programs like Penny Harvest, See Kids Dream's mission is "to empower youth with the skills, motivation and confidence to make the world a better place". Click the button to learn more.

Love Without Hurt

Join Teens helping Teens from Love Without Hurt and educate about abusive relationships. Click the button to learn more.

The Buckeye Ranch

Work alongside horses at the Buckeye Ranch. Click the button to learn more.

Wagons Ho Ho Ho

Wagon builders assemble! Participate in Wagons Ho Ho Ho, assembling wagons filled with Christmas dinner for families in need. Click the button to learn more. 


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1499 Hard Rd

Columbus, OH 43235


 Lauren Glaros
 Dan Sparks
 Jeff Vincent


This website was created by Anna Chen and the Worthington Kilbourne High School National Honor Society 2017.

The WKHS National Honor Society Arnold Skidmore Chapter holds meetings once every two weeks.


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